
Love Poem

"In LOVE" Poem!!

She has been questioning herself
Cause she wants to know how he felt
Last night she told him what is in her heart
Her dream, her future and her past

She doesn’t really know if he even cares
About all the things she has tried to share
But she is sure she has to tell him anyway
She could not even wait for another day

At first she thought it was just a little crush
But after talking to him, she felt so blush
Oh… She loves him more than she can say
Please love her back that’s what she pray

She is now just waiting for his answer
To make her know all her wonders
Coz she is confused stress and fear
So please answer her back because she is dying here


This poem is a narrative poem. It is about a girl who felt in love with someone who is not really interested in her even she already told him that she loves him and now she is just waiting for his answer. This poem obviously uses a lot of rhyme. In this poem the reader’s feeling depend on the answer of a boy. If the answer is yes (he also loves her) that will make them feel happy but if the answer is no (he does not love her) that will make them feel the opposite way. The persona of this poem is the girl who felt in love with someone.

Air pollution in BBk

Air pollution in Thailand is one of the greatest issues that could not be solved completely. Although Thai’s government has used several way to reduce the level of air pollution in the Metropolitan Regions, it help in some way but not really efficient enough. There are many cities in Thailand that facing this problem but Bangkok stands out as the worst among any urban areas in the country. Bangkok used to be one of the worst air pollution areas in the world stated by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in 1992.

Approximately one million Bangkok residents are thought to suffer from allergies and respiratory problems due to air pollution. Air pollution causes respiratory problems, allergies, lung cancer and heart disease.

Thai’s government has stepped in and takes air pollution as the serious matter which must be solved as soon as possible. The government has set the regulations for any polluting industries. If any of those industries failed to make efforts to meet the environmental regulations target, they may be demanded by the government to close down. The government also takes into account some of the programs to reduce the level of air pollution. They encourage every resident in Bangkok to use public transportations by built an elevated rail system and underground rail system and developed bus system which help to reduce the level of traffic and air pollution in Bangkok. The world environmental association has confirmed that dust and carbon monoxide in Bangkok and other urban centers had decreased to an acceptable level. They are very please that the Thai government's policy on phasing out leaded gasoline, improving diesel quality, and using clean technology to reduce pollution. However Thailand still has to work on the problem. Thailand’s Environment Ministry has planned to ban on smoke-belching diesels in Bangkok. If there are any vehicles that not pass the level of smoke-belching diesels testing, the owner of the vehicle has to take their car to be repaired to solve the smoke problem. Thailand also creates new standard for vehicle engines through the introduction of a new regulation in early 2004 which it requests a lower sulfur content in gasoline.

Air pollution in Thailand is quite a large problem. It cannot be solved within one or two days. 100% sure that this matter cannot be reduced or solved unless every resident in Thailand help to handle this problem.

· Heart failure
· Respiratory problem
· Lung cancer

· High level of carbon dioxide
· Traffic jam
· Dust in the air from any sources

· Reduce traffic jam
· Set up the environmental regulation
· Create travel facilities such as sky railway
· Encourage residents to ride bicycles and take public transportation