
Summary [Chapter15]


Chapter15 Secret Talks

When Mitch came back from Cayman Island he saw the pictures of him and the girl on the beach.He very worrythat adn afraid Abby see it. A week later Mitch have lunch with the partner in bendini, lambert and Locke's dinning room.Today every member was keen go to the firm because every member come to the firm from congratulated Mitch because he wae the amount of money he was earning the firm. The member talk with Mitch and inite him to Cayman Island agian.At this time Mitch is very worry and felt sick.He wanted two million from the FBI.There were a couple of other things he wanted too.
Tammy Greenwood go to the school fr meet Abby and take they plans.
After that Mitch wake up ay three o'clock for go to meet theTarrance and Mitch completed their negotiations.They agreed on two million dollars and Mitch want Tarrance help his brother Ray out of Brushy Mountain Prison. Tarrance is to agree with him.


-negotiations = Formal discussion between who aer trying to reach and aereement

-complete = To try to be successful or better than sb else who is trying to do the same as you

-existence = The fact or state of existiny

-persuade = To induce o undertake a course of action or embrace a point of view by means of reasoning

-ridiculous = Deserving or inspiring ridicule

-helplessly = See helpless

-briefcase = A portable,often flat case with a handle used for carrying papers or books

-charming = See charm

-deserved = Merited or earned

-eventually = At an unspecified future time


My holiday

Today is my holiday.I woke at 7 o'clock.In the morning and then my friend told me to go to historical museum with her's Tao because we have a historical project it is about War World 2.So,we need some information about this history.I'm very excited about Wer World 2.I read a book about World War 2 in the museum. It is a superior situation.I wrote the summary from the book in the museum.
The essence from the book about this sittuation just over 67 years ago on September 1st 1939, Germany invaded Poland without warning. By the evening of September 3rd, Britain and France were at war with Germany and within a week, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa had also joined the war. The world had been plunged into its second world war in 25 years. Six long and bloody years of total war, fought over many thousand of square kilometres followed. From the Hedgerows of Normandy to the streets of Stalingrad, the icy mountains of Norway to the sweltering deserts of Libya, the insect infested jungles of Burma to the coral reefed islands of the pacific. On land, sea and in the air, Poles fought Germans, Italians fought Americans and Japanese fought Australians in a conflict which was finally settled with the use of nuclear weapons. World War 2 involved every major world power in a war for global domination and at its end, more than 60 million people had lost their lives and most of Europe and large parts of Asia lay in ruins.
After that I want to central world to se the movie (Harry Potter) it ts very fun but I think in the book is more exciting than the movie.And then I feel hungry we agree to try a new berger restaurant, Mos berger in the third floor. This reataurant is original in Japan now it is very popular in Thailand very people want to try.It is a fresh order because it made by order.When I finish having meal,I want to bought some book to compete my historical information in my report. In the evening I met my ex-friend and want to watch a musical drama make me feel happy and relax in addition the drama teach about my daily life moral.
Next I had a dinner with my family in Chinese restaurant at China town. I came home at 9p.m.I'm very tried.I taka a shower and write my diary.I go to bed at 11 p.m.

my holiday

My movie

Today I wake at 7.00 a.m.My breakfast is a cup of milk with a sandwich I am very boring today because I learns 3 subject today
I have English1 and World civil and Tax Law today .The class start at 9.30-11.00 on Monday.After that I have lunch With my friends at the chian restaurant.When I don't have class I come back home.I take a shower and have dinner with my family.To day has a favourite manu of food such as Tom yam kung, Salad,Seafood.
After that Iwatch the movie in the living room with my brother . This story is about the last empores of chaina. His name is Pu-Yee.His life is very in terested .When He was young, Hewas take care by his grand mother. Her name is Su Zi Tai Hau. When king PU Yee was young his life is very happy .He was born in the year that China was revorutioned by Communist Party. In That time,a lot of technology come from the west country such as glasses ,gun,and watch. Pu Yee has a lot of wife.He can do everything he want except come out of the royal palace.After he was revolutioned by the communist party . He came to Tawan. He established himself to br the emporer of Taiwan. After that, ha came back to China. He is a commoner people.
Next I read a magazine it name is Lisa. It is about healthy magazine. I read about "10 Tips To Healthy Eating" .It is very benefit for me because the information is very great such as
balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern or remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.I think it is very importhant for my life and my healthy. I go to bed at 23.00 p.m.