
Friend is easy to find but to find best friend is so hard.

Friend is easy to find but to find best friend is so hard.
My best friend is called Nan and she is 19 years old. She lives in Suphanburee. She’s got short straight black hair and black eyes. She’s quite tall. We’ve been friend 6 years and we first met at Rajini school. She was born on 6 Jan 1988, we’ve born in the same hospital. Nan is a typical Thai teenager. She like pop music and her favorite singer is Vic, I also agree with her that he’s quite handsome. She dislike dog because when Nan was a child, a dog has bit her leg. Nan is a very active girl. She always ask everybody to do many activities all the time such as play badminton, play a rope skipping etc. I think we get on well together, because I’m a calm person and she is a active girl. We also both enjoy shopping and eat same kind of food.
At school, she is good at mathematics and in the future she wants to study about economy. At weekend we sometimes go shopping for clothes and books and we usually talks a telephone when she go to Suphanburee in some weekend. In the future we will still be a good friends because she’s very nice person and when I get a problem she always listen and make me feel better.


What is make difference between human and robot?

Everyday I walk through in the crowd. I see many things that make sense about robot from my eyes. Such as; Their eyes have no shine, no dream, no hope,no bright and even feeling . These make me sad and bore. In fact, I believe that our eyes can project out our spirit and dream but why I can not see these from these people so I start to think about this. What kind of things or factors that make human different from robot? I listed them out which are:
Thinking system : Robots can not think with flexibility or we called creative thinking because robots can think only the data that they have installed and they can not think by themselves. This make me laugh with tear because there are many people who like this. That we can see in Thammakai temple where people believe in data that Thammakai’s monks have told them and they did themselves without elaborate thinking and we can see in our current priminister because he has no brain and made himself to be norminee for last priminister. Is it make sense?
Dream : Robots have no dream (may be they have but they can not express their dream or need so I imply that they do not have dream). I saw many people who have dream, Their eyes will full with shiny and bright spark. For example; My friend, His name is Tanaporn. His eyes always show his ambition to make his dream come true.
Movement : Robots’ movement will be the same way and direction. They have no different like I see at Klongsan pier. They manage people to walk in the same way with obstacles like animal and this picture brings me into my concious with ambiguity. I know that they want to make it easy for themselves to manage but more system is more robots like!! Another term of movement, Robots have no flexibility of thier own body like I have been see every days at Silom road. People always moving by their body with flexibility but in the same style and there have no difference in posture or action.
Feeling : Robots have no feeling like human nowaday because their face have no feeling. Although some people face are full with stress or depress but these show that we have feeling. However, I can not see any response from their face. Are they robots? or I assumed it myself? That is why I think arts are kinds of things that show about feeling which make human different from robot.
In conclusion, all of above factors are things that can change robot to be a man. However, I heard a sentence that help me to understand human’s sake. It is “Music is life” because music has rhytm (like our lifes have period of good time and bad time), melodies (like ways in our life that we choose them by ourselves),ending (like death) and feeling (like us who have smile,hurt,sad,joy, relax,angry,annoy,hungry and happy) so music is life and life is music.


Have you ever thought that “Is this the real world?” “Is this the truth?” “Is this the real society” These questions bring me to be me here because nowadays we have a lot of society’s group , a lot of friend ,a lot of thing to do and a lot of form to be. Let me talk about them. Have you ever think that your cell phone is really cell phone or Have you ever think that your life is really yours? I want to point out that for someone their life is not their life in the real. Such as; I am a employee in public company. I think that I chose this company, chose this way and chose my boss by myself but is it real? In the real, I am just a piece of machine which will make money for my boss. I am just a screw which will create my boss’s life not my life so I ask myself “what is the real freedom?” “All the things I did. I did them for myself?” I can think “ Yes, I did them for myself because I ‘have got money too” but the truth is “No, I did them for my boss at all and then my boss stir me some money to reinforce my behavior to continue/control my behavior to do his dream(not my dream) with behavior theory. That is the reason why I think that what is the real world and I divided world in three forms which are the real world, the concrete world and the abstract world. Let me talk about each world.
The first world I will talk about is the concrete world. This world is the form that a person created them with rationalization by his/herself or it may be created by capitalism. Most of people do not know that they are controlled by surface of things or capitalist. The concrete world will change their attitude about need to move capitalism that is why they are forced to buy or purchase something with behavior techniques and design. In this world people is just a screw for the system to make its go on. It is very pity for me to see someone who lives in this world because he does not know “What is his goal?” “What is real happiness?” “What is the real world for him?” “What is he living for?” “Where is his dream?”, “Where is the real freedom for human being?” and does not know himself like he is dreaming. For this reason some person thought that it is the real world because they are still dreaming.
The second world is the abstract world. This world is constructed by person who is living with ideology. This form of world can affect to the real world because it can make motivation for a man to change it. The person who lives in this world will be a man who is passionate, idealism and some can be religionist because they live on this world with idealism that is the idea to develop our world to be what they need to be. I observe that abstract world’s mans are powerful because most of them will be leader of the world and they used the concrete world’s mans to help them to the goal.
The last world is the real world which is the real need, the real concrete, the real abstract, the real goal of life, the real dream and the real world. All of these are concept of this world because when person lives in this world, he will know/see that this world is full with illusions. Some of them may be know the process of life and world. I mean that he will know “What is the cell phone?” “What is the goal in creation of this thing?” “What is the real need for a man?” “Who is he/she (him/herself)?” “What is the truth for this world?” “What is the world should be?”
I can say that this world is the neutral world among the concrete and abstract.
One world is for one idea, one world is for one meaning, one world is for one concept but one life is not for one world.