
Friend is easy to find but to find best friend is so hard.

Friend is easy to find but to find best friend is so hard.
My best friend is called Nan and she is 19 years old. She lives in Suphanburee. She’s got short straight black hair and black eyes. She’s quite tall. We’ve been friend 6 years and we first met at Rajini school. She was born on 6 Jan 1988, we’ve born in the same hospital. Nan is a typical Thai teenager. She like pop music and her favorite singer is Vic, I also agree with her that he’s quite handsome. She dislike dog because when Nan was a child, a dog has bit her leg. Nan is a very active girl. She always ask everybody to do many activities all the time such as play badminton, play a rope skipping etc. I think we get on well together, because I’m a calm person and she is a active girl. We also both enjoy shopping and eat same kind of food.
At school, she is good at mathematics and in the future she wants to study about economy. At weekend we sometimes go shopping for clothes and books and we usually talks a telephone when she go to Suphanburee in some weekend. In the future we will still be a good friends because she’s very nice person and when I get a problem she always listen and make me feel better.

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