
Lady pink Day ^,^

Today I have a chance to meet my old friends from my high school and we also set pink party for our reunion. I was a little embarrassing because everybody were wearing pink dress. We do enjoy singing at karaoke around Siamsquare also playing bowling after that we dinner at restaurant nearly Siamsquare. Anyway it was so long that we never have a chance to meet like this but we were so happy after we finished the final exam.
We talked about the old day of us and we were miss thing that we did together. When we were in high school, we lived in school’s dormitory. At that time we did many thing together and when we got problem, we always help each other such as discussing, solving the problem in every matters even homework, study until love. Thing that we never forgot about our dormitory is our food, it’s so delicious and every day after class we always tell and exchange funny story that happened in our classroom. I think living in school’s dormitory helped me to improve myself a lot to live with other and to be on time that’s very important thing that I really want to thank my school.
I was continuing my stories until now that make me really miss my old friends a lot also my regarded teachers. If I have a chance, I hope that my friends and I will hold reunion party again. We are so happy to think about the old day.
Next time everybody conclude we will wear a green clothes5555+.

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