
My Sexy Hero

I have My hero in my mine.They are Sailor Moon.I have watched this cartoon since I were young. Sailor Moon is a story about a klutzy, crybaby, 14 year old underachiever name Usagi who was given some transformation items and super powers. Usagi transforms into the pretty, sailor suited fighter called Sailor Moon to fight against evil. But even as the super hero, Sailor Moon is klutzy and a crybaby. Then as time goes by, Usagi is joined by some other girls to form a team of sailor suited fighters.

Sailor Moon = She is a rabbit of the moon. Usagi attends the same school as Ami and Makoto. She's a very poor student and a bit of a crybaby, but a loyal friend. Her family consists of Kenji (father), Ikuko (mother), and Shingo (brother). In the past (Silver Millennium), she was Princess Serenity (the Moon Princess), and she is destined to marry Tuxedo and become Neo-Queen Serenity in the future. Chibi-usa is her daughter.

Sailor Mercury =She is beauty of water.She is the most intelligent of the Senshi. She is more interested in her studies than anything else. She lives with her mother, who is a doctor, and doesn't have many friends outside of the other senshi. She attends school with Usagi and Makoto.

Sailor Mars =I like She is Soul of fire.She lives at a temple with her grandfather, and is a priestess. Her mother is dead, and her father is a distant politician. She has two pet crows named Phobos and Deimos. Rei has a fiery temper, and often takes it out on Usagi. She attends the T.A. Girls' school.

Sailor Jupiter =She is agent of wisdom of trees.Her parents are dead (killed in a plane crash), so she lives alone in an apartment. Her passions are cooking, plants, and housekeeping, and her dream is to be a bride. In contrast, she is one of the strongest of the senshi, and known for being a bully. She's also obsessed with her old senpai. She attends school with Ami and Usagi.

Sailor Venus= She agent child of love . She's like Usagi in that she's obsessed with meeting cute guys, and a rather poor student. She takes care of Artemis, the white cat. Sailor Venus is the leader of the Four Guardians (the senshi who protect the princess of the moon: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus).

Sailor Chibi-Moo orChibi-Usagi (Little Usagi, etc)=Everybody call her "pink-haired-rabbit" is the Usagi's daughter . She travels to the past from the future, and ends up staying and becoming a senshi. She fights constantly with Usagi, and sucks up to Mamo-chan.

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