
My horrible story

Everybody have ever had an accident or faced something that's so terrible in your life. These situations might be happened by no one noticed them before, and I believe that they will still remind you forever. A story that I am going to tell you come from one of my exciting experiences. It is about a mystery sound.
The story began at one night since I was Prathom 5 and lived in school's dormitory. That night about twelve o'clock, my friend and I were talking about funny things while everybody already slept. While I was talking, I heard a strange and horrible sound from upstairs. At first, I was not sure did my friend hear that sound like me or not, and after a minute later, the sound was clearly and seem come closer and closer. Then, I quickly told my friend to go to sleep. When I walked to my bed, the sound was disappear, but when I closed my eyes, the sound was starting to disturb me again. I was frighten so much, so I began to pray to God for helping me. I closed my eyes hardly and tried to sleep. Eventually, the sound disappeared, and there was nothing happened to me that night. In the morning, there was only one question coming through my brain " What was the strange sound that I have heard last night? ", and this question made me cannot study for one day long.
This experience has taught me that do not be afraid of the thing that we do not know what it is. Like the idiom “Fearness is just people imagination that they think when they face with something they do not know.” Until now, I still do not know what sound that I heard was, and who made it. If I were in that situation again, I would definitely open my eyes and find out what that sound is.

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